IRIX 6.2 Applications 1996 May
SGI IRIX 6.2 Applications 1996 May.iso
Text File
141 lines
* Copyright (c) 1994 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual of intended
* publication of such source code, and is an unpublished work by Silicon
* Graphics, Inc. This material contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION that is
* the property of Silicon Graphics, Inc. Any use, duplication or
* disclosure not specifically authorized by Silicon Graphics is strictly
* prohibited.
* Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
* restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in
* Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013,
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* Supplement. Unpublished - rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of
* the United States. Contractor is SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., 2011 N.
* Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View, CA 94039-7311
* File: PDMessages.inc
* Description: This file contains the libpod standard messages. For
* libpod standard message code there is a corresponding message.
* The libpod function PDMakeMessage(3) takes a libpod message code
* and fills in a PDMessageStruct with the code and a standard message.
* Listed below are the messages for each message code defined in
* pod.h.
* To find the message for a particular libpod message code, remove
* the leading "PD_" from the code defined in pod.h and look in the
* table for that code. The message corresponding to that code is
* listed next to the code. If more than one message appears with a
* given code, the messages will be concatenated when displayed.
/* Information messages */
_PDMSG( INFO_JOB_START, "Job started" )
_PDMSG( INFO_JOB_END, "Job completed" )
/* Warning messages */
_PDMSG( WARN_MANUAL_FEED, "Printer is waiting for manually fed media. "
"Please hand feed the media." )
_PDMSG( WARN_REQ_PAPER, "Printer is waiting for paper media. "
"Please replace the transparency media with paper" )
_PDMSG( WARN_REQ_TRANSPARENCY, "Printer is waiting for transparency media."
" Please replace paper with transparency media" )
_PDMSG( WARN_INK_LOW, "Printer reports that one or more colors are low. "
"Please add ink." )
/* Error messages */
_PDMSG( ERROR_WAIT, "Printer is not ready. Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_WARMING_UP, "Printer is warming up. Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_SELF_TEST, "Printer is in self test mode. Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_MAINTENANCE, "Printer is in self test mode. Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_RESETTING, "Printer is resetting itself. Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_MEDIA_MOVEMENT, "Printer is clearing media from paper path."
" Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_TIMEOUT, "Printer has timed out and host has stopped "
"sending. Please check printer." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_OFFLINE, "Printer is offline. Please check printer front "
"panel." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_DESELECTED, "Printer is offline. Please check printer "
"front panel." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_COVER_OPEN, "Printer reports a cover or door open. "
"Please close to continue." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_DOOR_OPEN, "Printer reports a cover or door open. "
"Please close to continue." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_MEDIA_JAM, "Media is jammed. Please clear media path." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_PAPER_JAM, "Paper is jammed. Please clear paper path." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_PAPER_ENTRY_JAM, "Paper is jammed at paper path entry. "
"Please clear paper path." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_PAPER_PATH_JAM, "Paper is jammed in mid paper path. "
"Please clear paper path." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_PAPER_EXIT_JAM, "Paper is jammed at paper path exit. "
"Please clear paper path." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_TRANSFER_JAM, "Transfer roll is jammed. "
"Please replace transfer roll." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_MEDIA_OUT, "Printer is out of media. Please add media." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_PAPER_OUT, "Printer is out of paper. Please add paper." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_INK_OUT, "Printer is out of ink. Please add." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_TRANSFER_OUT, "Printer is out of transfer. Please add." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_TONER_OUT, "Printer is out of toner. Please add." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_FUSER_OUT, "Printer is out of fuser. "
"Please replace fuser." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_DRUM_OUT, "Printer print drum is bad. "
"Please replace print drum." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_CLEANER_OUT, "Printer is out of cleaner. "
"Please add cleaner." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_FLUID_OUT, "Printer is out of fluid. Please add fluid." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_OTHER_FAULT, "Printer reports faulted state. "
"Please check printer." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_OUTPUT_TRAY_FULL, "Printer output tray is full. "
"Please empty output tray." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_WASTE_BIN_FULL, "Printer waste bin full. "
"Please empty waste bin." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_NO_PAPER_TRAY, "Printer paper tray not fully inserted. "
"Please reinsert paper tray." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_NOT_RESPONDING, "Printer is not responding. "
"Please check power and cables." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_POWER_OFF, "Printer is not responding: it may be turned "
"off. Please check printer power." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED, "Printer is not properly connected. "
"Please check cables." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_REPORTS_BUSY, "Printer reports internal busy state. "
"Please wait." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_NO_ACKNOWLEDGE, "Printer is not acknowledging. "
"Please check cables." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_SERVICE_CALL, "Printer requests service. "
"Please call service or key operator." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_HOST_IF_FAILURE, "Host interface error: cannot read status."
" Please check host interface." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_PRINTER_IF_FAILURE, "Printer interface error: cannot read "
"status. Please check printer interface." )
_PDMSG( ERROR_REPORTS_FAILURE, "Printer reports internal failure. "
"Please call service or key operator." )